
Javascript configurations

Pay attention to define all javascript configurations before yours js code!

Explicit / Verbose errors

Default value: true

With “verbose mode” switched on, error messages will appear after each input tag that contains errors.
You can customize the verbose behaviour in this way:

$.fn.formtools.settings.verbose = false;
If you want, you can also define a custom error message container which is the tag placed after your input to show error.

Error class

Default value: .has-error

Since formtools is designed to work with bootsrap, it use by default the bootstrap error class.
If you don’t use bootstrap, you can customize the error class in this way:

$.fn.formtools.settings.error.class = '.myCustomClass';

Parent error class

Default value: .form-group

As already said, working on a bootsrap based DOM structure, the default parent class is .form-group (parent of input).
If you don’t use bootstrap, you can customize the parent error class to achieve your needs.
This class will be searched as the closest DOM element of the input and, when found, on input errors it will receives the defined error class.

$.fn.formtools.settings.error.parent = '.oneParentInputElement';

Custom places for errors

Default value: nothing

If you want to gather errors in specific places, you can set up selectors that will be filled with errors.
If verbose mode is active, errors will be placed also under inputs.

$.fn.formtools.settings.error.fields = '.oneDiv #myErrorContainer';

Global default error message

Default value: nothing

If you want to define a global error message used on all errors of all inputs:

$.fn.formtools.settings.error.msg = 'Message for all errors';

Define translations

You can define and use custom translations.

To define a translation:

$.fn.formtools.settings.translation.en = {
        'ft-required' : 'Required field',
        'ft-minlength' : 'Minimum characters required:',
        'ft-regex' : 'Error',
        'ft-email-validation' : 'Invalid email address',
        'ft-date-validation' : 'Wrong date. Required date format as:',
        'ft-date-range-after' : 'Required date after:',
        'ft-date-range-before' : 'Required date before:'

$ = { ... };

Set up the default language

Default value: en

You should set up formtools to use a default language. You can also ask to use a translation defined by you.

$.fn.formtools.settings.language = 'en';


Default value: the only one validator defined by default is ftDateFormat="DD/MM/YYYY"

If you want define default (“global”) validators, to apply to all forms:

$.fn.formtools.settings.v = {
        'ftDateFormat' : 'MM/DD/YYYY',
        'ftRequired' : ''  // all fields of all forms will be required

To define any validator in the settings, just take the HTML defined validator name, remove dashes and convert it to camelCase format.
(i.e. data-ft-optional -> ftOptional)

Another one example:

$.fn.formtools.settings.v = {
        'ftDateFormat' : 'MM/DD/YYYY',
        'ftRegex' : '([A-Z])\w+'  // all fields of all forms will require at least one word containing upper letters


Default value: no hooks defined

If you need to do something before formtools actions you can set up hooks in this way:

$.fn.formtools.settings.hooks = {
        'preValidate' : function (form) { ... },
        'postValidate' : function (form) { ... },
        'preReset' : function (form, data) { ... },
        'postReset' : function (form, data) { ... }

Custom error message container

If you need to cutomize the error message placed after the input, you can overwrite this function:

$.fn.formtools.formatErrorMsg = function(field, ftErrorId, ftErrorMsg) {
        $('<span>').attr('id', ftErrorId).addClass('help-block ft-error').text(ftErrorMsg)
Pay attention to give the ftErrorId to the element that you generate.
This is really important to allow formtools detach the element from the page when field will become valid.